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Member Benefits

CBC offers various categories of membership – individual, corporate,gold, platinum. Members can enjoy a wide range of benefits andservices.

Canadian Business Council Abu Dhabi mark

Platinum Membership

All benefits of full Gold membership in addition to:

  • Four representatives as members of CBC

  • Additional 4 Complimentary tickets to annual CBC social events (MLB, Thanksgiving)

  • Additional 4 Complimentary tickets to attend any CBC business events

  • Distribution of publicity material at all CBC Events

  • Verbal recognition at all CBC Events

  • CBC website Email blasts to be sent to CBC members (content to be approved by CBC) followed by posting of news on

  • Themed industry event of your choice

  • Head table at all CBC Events

  • Opportunity to have a senior member of your company deliver a speech at a CBC selected event

Gold Membership

All benefits of Corporate Membership in addition to:

  • Three representatives as members of CBC

  • Logo on Corporate Banner at all CBC events

  • Prominent display of logo on all pages of CBC website with link to your company’s website

  • Promotional posts about your business to CBC social media network

  • Distribution of corporate publicity material at the CBC booth at Annual Business Groups Forum

  • Receive a Crystal Award engraved with Member's name and logo

  • 6 Complimentary tickets to annual CBC social events (MLB, Thanksgiving)

  • 6 Complimentary tickets to attend any CBC business events

  • Personalized invitation to the Platinum/Gold members reception

  • Assistance with one-on-one meetings and introductions

Corporate Membership

Membership Benefits

  • Two representatives as members of CBC

  • Representatives can be replaced free of cost (e.g. employee left company, was transferred etc.)

  • Additional members can be added for AED 525 VAT inclusive

  • Representatives can be substituted at events

  • Discounted Members rates at CBC events

  • Special offers and discounts to CBC Membership card holders for services, products at selected outlets in Abu Dhabi.

  • 50% discount on individual membership for one family member


Marketing Benefits

  • Full page in the searchable online directory with logo display and social media links

  • Promote your company on the CBC website by joining the Members Benefits Scheme e.g. give discounts/offers to CBC members on

  • your products/services; promote seasonal offers or services

Business Development Benefits Listing in Online Directory

  • Business referrals

  • Ability to contact other members via the online directory

  • Through CBC’s wide network, get connected with people in your industry, government bodies and potential clients or partners

  • Have the opportunity to be informed about incoming delegations to the UAE from Canada.

  • Industry based Exclusive Invitation to meet delegates in Canadian led trade missions

News/Information Benefits

  • Regular information and news through member newsletter

  • Meet senior representatives at events and get first hand news regarding development

  • in various key industries of UAE and Canada.

Individual Membership

Membership Benefits

  • Through CBC’s wide network, get connected with people in your industry, government bodies and potential clients or partners

  • Have the opportunity to be informed about incoming delegations to the UAE from Canada.

  • Industry based Exclusive Invitation to meet delegates in Canadian led trade missions

  • Industry based Exclusive Invitation to meet delegates in Canadian led trade missions

  • Ability to contact other members via the online directory

  • Regular information and news through member newsletter

  • Business referrals

  • Discounted Members rates at CBC events

  • 50% discount on individual membership for one family member

  • Special offers and discounts to CBC Membership card holders for services, products at selected outlets in Abu Dhabi.

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